Sunday, April 17, 2011

Reflection on project

I have gained valuable learning experiences through this project from brainstorming of ideas, collaborating with team members to gathering survey results and writing a formal proposal.

At the beginning of this project, our group had a tough time deciding on the topic in relation to Concept Plan 2011. However, after much discussion, we came to a consensus quickly and decided on the idea of implementing rooftop gardens as an avenue to generate more social interaction among residents. As our understanding for this project was clear, we were able to get started on the project quickly.

For this project, we had used various modes of communication such as face-to-face meetings, emailing and wiki.NUS for discussion. During the meeting, wiki.NUS was used as platform to record the minutes. Wiki.NUS was very useful as we could access to it easily to check our responsibilities and the deadlines. This had also improved our efficiency. However, it was not used as the main form of discussion for this project. This was because we felt that face-to-face meeting provided a better avenue for us to share our opinions regarding the project, especially in evaluating the survey results.

I believe that one of the reasons why this project could be completed successfully was because there was effective communication among the members. We were clear of our responsibilities and made effort to write a well substantiated report. The deadlines and what was expected of each of us were also understood. Thus, we were able to complete the project efficently. I also felt that as we had cooperated as a team previously for the peer teaching assignment, it was easier for us to collaborate this time.

Even though doing an individual project might seem hassle free, I felt that without the help of my team mates, I might not be able to achieve the same quality of work. I had also learnt a lot from them. For example,they taught me how to phrase my sentences in a more concise way. They had also encouraged me and built up my confidence for the oral presentation. Good team mates not only contribute to the project significantly or do their work responsibly, but they also help one another to improve. I am glad to be part of this team and to learn many useful things from them.

Lastly, I would like to thank Dr Radhika for advising and guiding us in this project! Thank you!:)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Reflection on Oral Presentation

In preparation of the presentation, we prepared our speech individually and our group met only on the day of the oral presentation dry run and the actual day to rehearse. We could have met more frequently to practise the presentation together, so that we would be more familiar with each member’s script. In addition, we should have allocated more time to evaluate and make changes to each other’s script. During the rehearsal, there was a lack of opportunity to evaluate our gestures. This is important as we would be able to make corrections and not repeat them during the presentation. Appropriate gestures should be adopted so as to engage the audience effectively. Our facial expression was also not evaluated as well. Thus, we were not aware of the facial expression that we were giving to the audience. This could lead to an ineffective presentation.
However, during the rehearsal, we practised more than two times to ensure that our presentation was smooth. Individual preparation was also done adequately. I did many individual rehearsals prior to the final rehearsal. Also, I timed my speech to ensure that my presentation was not too long as compared to other presenters. During the dry-run, I was given feedback that my speech was too long and hence, I tried to cut down on the details to make the speech concise.
During the actual presentation, I was too tense at the beginning and stumbled at the second slide of my part. In fact, during the practice, I found that phrasing my speech for the second slide was a difficulty. This could also be the reason why I was not able to present smoothly during the presentation. I also felt that my presentation was not enthusiastic enough to convince the audience that there were a lot of benefits gained from implementing rooftop gardens on HDB buildings and carparks. Due to my nervousness, I was unable to bring out my personality during the presentation. If I had done so, I would be able to sound more passionate and enthusiastic about this project.
Despite my nervousness, I was able to engage the audience by attempting to look at every audience. At the middle of my presentationm, I managed to regain my cheerfulness and confidence, and I sounded more passionate for this project. I believe that being passionate and enthusiastic for this project was important in the delivery of this presentation, as it would be able to convince the audience that this proposal would be feasible.
Use of slideware or other audiovisuals                           
In our presentation, there was sufficient animation and transition of slides. Pictures were also included to illustrate the ideas we were conveying on almost every slide. This made our presentation more appealing and effective. Nonetheless, we could have included videos to make the presentation a more engaging experience for the audience.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Evaluating Intercultural Behaviour

While I was in Taiwan with my friends for vacation last December, we met a taxi driver who shared with us his political views of Singapore and Taiwan. He started off with commendations on the Singapore government’s efforts to promote a clean and green Singapore. Then, he proceeded to talk about Singapore as a “fine” country and the ban of chewing gums in which he felt was unnecessary. Other than commenting on Singapore, he also criticised the Taiwanese government’s effort to boost the economy growth, saying that the growth was very slow as compared to Singapore. We were taken aback by what he had said as we did not expect him to be so open to criticize the governments. We also felt awkward when he started to speak about the policies and did not know how to respond to his remarks.

From this conversation, I realised that Taiwanese are very bold in raising their opinions or criticisms on political issues. There is greater freedom of speech and a sense of democracy among the Taiwanese. Moreover, they have good knowledge of the political situations in their country and other countries. I felt that this was lacking in Singaporeans. Singaporeans are more politically apathetic and tend to restrain from talking about politics, often due to the unseen out-of-bounds markers. On the contrary, the Taiwanese are more open towards criticism and it is their culture to speak out their opinions whenever they want or feel a need to do so. There are also many platforms available in Taiwan - whether it is in the internet or the media, variety shows or news channels - that facilitate the transmission of messages from the public to political parties easily and vice versa. Although similar platforms in Singapore such as STOMP and the forum page in the local newspaper, the Straits Time, have emerged to serve as modes of feedback, I feel that these are not enough to generate a culture that is as open and critical as compared to Taiwan. 

Different cultures in terms of the people’s way of thinking breed different kinds of attitudes and behaviours. The environment we live in also shapes our behaviour. These are indeed what make each country unique.  Thus, after this intercultural experience, I feel that we should be more open to the different way of thinking in a foreign country and at the same time, we might be able to learn some positive traits of their culture from them.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Application Letter

Pokka Corporation Singapore Pte Ltd
No.4 Benoi Crescent
Singapore 629970

Dear Sir/Madam,
                                                 Re: Internship Application 

I am Tan Seow Peng, an undergraduate student majoring in Food Science and Technology in National University of Singapore. I am writing to apply for an internship placement in the Pokka Corporation. A CV is enclosed with this document.

I have a strong interest in food science and research. Thus, I am very eager to become an intern and participate in the research and development of beverages in Pokka Corporation. As Pokka Corporation has been a successful leader in the creation of new products such as the Jasmine Green Tea, I believe that this internship will allow me to prepare me for a career in food science and offer me opportunities to learn about Pokka Corporation. 

To satisfy the ever-changing needs of taste and nutrition, the food science industry is capricious in nature, promising as much challenges as rewards. I feel that I can overcome such obstacles based on my experience. For each of the past three semesters, I handled six modules, more than the usual five modules, while maintaining my CAP above 4.0. I believe that this demonstrates my resilience and determination to excel under stress. Consequently, this has honed my time management skills. I am confident that I will be able to work efficiently as an intern with Pokka Corporation.

As much as resolve is required to meet the ever-changing needs of the people, the food industry also values innovation. I have been actively contributing new, feasible ideas in my project groups and extra-curricular activities. In the Mazarin Project, I came up with the idea of the gardening by students in school and incorporated the concept of bonding among students, in addition to environmental awareness. This project was successful and well-received by both students and teachers. With this experience, I believe I can take up the challenge of brainstorming for new ideas and transforming them into reality. I also desire to try out new areas of research and make significant contributions to the company during my internship. Thus, if I am granted an internship placement, I will be very committed to the research and strive to perform well and produce results.

I will be able to take up internship from May 2011 to July 2011. I hope that you will look favorably at my application and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely,

Tan Seow Peng

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Resolving Interpersonal Conflict

The following scenario took place after a national day concert in my secondary school. Both the chairperson of the event planning committee, Hui Qi, and one other member, Ming, were involved in this conflict.

At the backstage of the concert hall, the teacher-in-charge praised Hui Qi for being a detailed and competent chairperson who organized the event very well. Hui Qi boastfully said that it was due to her leadership that this event was successful. Upon hearing these, Ming felt jealous. He felt that he was not recognized despite having done eighty percent of the work, such as seeking sponsorship, liaising with different organisations and working out the programme details. On the other hand, Hui Qi had claimed credit for all the work despite contributing only to the main layout for the concert hall, coming on the day of the rehearsals and for the actual event. Ming then confronted Hui Qi to ask her why she took all credit for herself.  Hui Qi claimed that she had the authority to do so as she was the chairperson of this committee.  However, Ming felt that she did not deserve this. He felt that, even as a chairperson, she should not claim the committee’s work all to herself. With none willing to give in, an argument broke out between both parties.

This conflict arose not just because Hui Qi was being insensitive to others by claiming all the credit for the work, but also because she did not contribute her fair share of work. The latter could be main reason why Ming felt unfair. One way this conflict could be avoided was to make sure that all the team members were given fair distribution of work and that everyone should be recognized for the work they did.

Have you encountered such a situation before and how did you resolve the conflict?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Why are effective communication skills important for you?

Consider a scenario where you are giving instructions to your teammates to complete a task. How do you ensure that the instructions are fully understood by your teammates? Any ambiguity in the instructions would lead to misinterpretation while a dominating tone might cause dissatisfaction among your teammates.  I have experienced this scenario many times in my life. Often, the message was not conveyed to them accurately and so, more time was required to fulfill the task. Thus, it is very important for me to acquire effective communication skills, whether they are verbal or non-verbal, so that the message is conveyed in the right tone to the audience and they understand the message. In this way, tasks can be completed successfully.

In addition, effective communication skills are vital in building stronger relationships and reducing conflicts. Misinterpretation often causes conflicts especially when mental biases are present. There was once when I misunderstood what my friend said due to a mental bias (I felt that she tended to be suspicious of everything around her) and thus, I began to be defensive about myself. This eventually caused a breakdown in communication and the relationship between the both of us worsened. With good communication and listening skills, I could have avoided such scenarios and learned how to build trust and respect instead.  These skills are important for me as I can build better relationships with my friends and colleagues.

Effective communication skills are important in our everyday life and applicable to everyone we speak to. Whether it is in the working environment or in school, we can understand better what is expected of us by communicating effectively.  Moreover, these skills enable us to minimize conflicts that might arise due to misunderstanding. I hope to learn more communication skills to improve the way I interact with people and build stronger relationships with them.